
78S var
Australia, Scott 78S Var

515d var
US, Scott 515d Var
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US Stamps, Scott #3222-3225, used set. Very good condition.
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US$ 5
US Stamps, 1922-25 Regular Issue, partial set
US Stamps, 1922-25 Regular Issue, partial set, used. Scott #551-571, Fine to Very Fine.
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US$ 5
US Stamps, Folk Art, used set
US Stamps, Folk Art, used set. Good condition.
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US$ 5
Canada, Nova Scotia,Proof
Canada, Nova Scotia,Proof, 1860-63, 1 cent black on india, Scott #8P, Very Fine.
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US$ 200
1927 Aeronautics Conf., Wright Brothers Flight 25th Anniversary
1927 Aeronautics Conf., Wright Brothers Flight 25th Anniversary, Scott #649, used.
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US$ 5
1927 Valley Forge 150th Anniversary
1927 Valley Forge 150th Anniversary, Scott #645. used.
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US$ 5
1927 Vermont 150th Anniversary of Independence
1927 Vermont 150th Anniversary of Independence, Scott #643, used.
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US$ 5
Battle of White Plains 150th Anniversary
1926, Battle of White Plains 150th Anniversary. Scott #629, used.
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US$ 5
Sesquicentennial Exposition & 150th Anniversary
1926, Sesquicentennial Exposition & 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence. Scott #627, used.
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US$ 5
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue, Walloons Landing
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue, Walloons Landing at Fort Orange, Scott #615, used.
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US$ 5
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue, Ship "New Netherland"
1924 Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Issue, Ship "New Netherland", Scott #614, used.
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US$ 5
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue, Landing
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue, Landing, Scott #549, used.
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US$ 5
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue, Mayflower
1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Issue, Mayflower, Scott #548, used.
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US$ 5
1913 Panama-Pacific Exposition Issue, 2 cents
1913 Panama-Pacific Exposition Issue, 2 cents, used.
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US$ 5
1913 Panama-Pacific Exposition Issue, 1 cent
1913 Panama-Pacific Exposition Issue, 1 cent, used.
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US$ 5
1907 Jamestown Exposition Issue, Founding of Jamestown
1907 Jamestown Exposition Issue, Founding of Jamestown, Scott #329, used.
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US$ 5
1907 Jamestown Exposition Issue, John Smith
1907 Jamestown Exposition Issue, John Smith, Scott #328, used.
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US$ 5
1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Issue, Thomas Jefferson
1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Issue, Thomas Jefferson, used. Scott #324
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US$ 5
1901 Pan-American Exposition Issue, Train
1901 Pan-American Exposition Issue, Train, Scott #295, used.
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US$ 5
1901 Pan-American Exposition Issue, Ship
1901 Pan-American Exposition Issue, Ship, 1 cent, used.
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US$ 5
1909 Lincoln Birth Centenary Complete Set
1909 Lincoln Birth Centenary Complete Set of 3, used.
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US$ 10
1898 Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issue, partial set
1898 Trans-Mississippi Exposition Issue, partial set, used.
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US$ 10
1893 Columbian Exposition Issue, partial set
1893 Columbian Exposition Issue, partial set, used.
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US$ 10
Franklin 10 cents, perf 10
Franklin 10 cents, perf 10, used.
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US$ 5
Washington 1 cent, perf 10
Washington 1 cent, perf 10, used.
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US$ 5
Franklin 12 cents, perf 10
Franklin 12 cents, perf 10, used.
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US$ 5
Washington 6 cents, perf 10
Washington 6 cents, perf 10, used.
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US$ 5
Franklin 15 cents, perf 12
Franklin 15 cents, perf 12, used.
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US$ 5
Washington 2 cents, perf vertically
Washington 2 cents, perf vertically, used.
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US$ 5
Washington 1 cent, perf vertically
Washington 1 cent, perf vertically, used.
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US$ 5
Washington 1 cent pair, 10x11
Washington 1 cent, Vertical pair, perf 10x11. Used.
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US$ 10
Franklin 8 cents, Vertical Pair
Franklin 8 cents, Vertical Pair, used.
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US$ 10
Washington 1 cent, Horizontal Pair
Washington 1 cent, Horizontal Pair, used.
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US$ 10
Franklin 12 cents, Horizontal Pair
Franklin 12 cents, Horizontal Pair, used.
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US$ 10
Washington, Franklin Issue, partial set
Washington, Franklin Issue, partial set. 10 different pieces. Used.
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US$ 20
Washington 3 cents, Vertical perf.
Washington 3 cents, Vertical perf. Used.
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US$ 5
Washington 5 cents, Vertical perf.
Washington 5 cents, Vertical perf. Used.
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US$ 5
Washington 4 cents, Vertical perf.
Washington 4 cents, Vertical perf 10, used.
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US$ 5
Vertical Pair of Franklin 1 cents
Vertical Pair of Franklin 1 cents, used.
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US$ 5
Horizontal Pair 0f Franklin 1 cents
Horizontal Pair 0f Franklin 1 cents, used.
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US$ 5
Horizontal Pair 0f Washington 3 cents
Horizontal Pair 0f Washington 3 cents, used.
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US$ 5
Vertical Pair of Washington 5 cents
Vertical Pair of Washington 5 cents. Used.
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US$ 5
Horizontal Pair 0f Washington 4 cents
Horizontal Pair 0f Washington 4 cents.
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US$ 5
Vertical Pair of Washington 6 cents
Vertical Pair of Washington 6 cents, very nice cancel.
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US$ 20
1902-03 Issue, Partial Set
1902-03 Issue, Partial Set, Scott #300-304, 306, 307. Used, very fine.
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US$ 9.3
Webster, 283, Fancy Cancel
Webster, Scott #283, Fancy Cancel.
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US$ 20
Garfield, 6 cents, Fancy Cancel
Garfield, 6 cents, Fancy Cancel.
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US$ 20
Grant, 281, Fancy Cancel
Grant, Scott #281, blue, Fancy Cancel
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US$ 20
Grant, 5 cents, Fancy Cancel
Grant, 5 cents, Chocolate, Fancy Cancel.
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US$ 20
Lincoln, 4 cents, Fancy Cancel
Lincoln, 4 cents, dark brown,Fancy Cancel.
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US$ 20

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